Today we took Landyn to the Doctor's office because he is still a little sick. He had a bottle this morning and was a little sick afterwards... he's also sleeping a whole lot. Later today he started having some diarrhea, but just a little. His Doctor said that he has rotavirus. We're pretty sure this is what Tammy had late last week as well. Thankfully, Landyn has been inoculated against this virus so it's no where near as bad as it could be. Dr Hoyle told us that for young children this virus can put children in the hospital because they become so dehydrated. So lots of fluids for the baby, plus we had to switch his formula to soy based for the next day or so because his body is having a hard time digesting his regular milk based formula, hence the sick after bottle. I'll keep everyone posted, but he seems to be feeling better as of tonight, playing and whatnot, just a little more fussy and whiny than normal :) Till next time! Flip
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Nothing like a sleeping baby!
Yesterday we gathered up the children and was planning a trip down to Carowinds. We were going with Tammy's Mom and Dad, plus we were going to meet up with her brother and his wife and daughter. So we made it down to Salisbury to meet up and man it rained and rained and the temperature was just awful (mid 50's with wind blowing about 12 mph). Anywho, we decided to eat and just do something totally different... we decided to go to Kannapolis and check out the outlet mall they have there. So we did some shopping and had a pretty good time, did a lot of walking (whew) and got some really good deals.
Now to step back a day or so, Friday, Tammy was real sick. We guess it was a 24 hour bug, because other than a pounding headache she was better yesterday. Well this morning Landyn was not doing so great, he was sick about 5am this morning and when I gave him his bottle at about 8am he got sick again. We finally got him to eat a few cheese nips and he took a long, long nap. He's up now and a little cranky, to be expected.. cause you can tell the poor thing just doesn't feel good at all. :( Hopefully it's a quick moving thing like with Tammy. Only took one picture yesterday and it's the one posted above. He's so sweet! All for now, flip!
Rolling, rolling, rolling...
Here's a few pictures taken from earlier last week of Landyn playing with his little snail. He loves to push the rolling toys around now! It's so cute watching him play.
Clicky here - Landyn playing with his snail!
I have one more to post in just a few.. plus more info! Flip!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
House that Landyn built...
Took some vid clips of Landyn today! Couple more to come after this one.. ENJOY!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Three's Company...
Here's a little clip from earlier in the month too. When my brother Bryan was home from school for spring break, he and his girlfriend Jenn stopped by to say hello and visit with "The Peanut"! :) Enjoy! Flip!
Clips from earlier in the month...
Opps sorry about the delay on these clips. My laptop was down and out for a few weeks and that's where my editing software is. Below are 2 clips that I've just uploaded to YouTube, they are clips of Landyn crawling around the house. This day he was doing his foward crawl really well :) Enjoy! Flip!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
and More Happy Easter!
Just a "little" addition to the pictures that I uploaded this morning.
Clicky here - Easter Pictures!
Enjoy! FLIP!
Happy Easter!!
I've got pictures! and more to come from later too, I'm sure. Landyn and Hailey were up around 8am this morning discovering their Easter baskets! Here's the pictures to prove it...
Clicky here - Pictures from Easter morning!
Clicky here - Rub a dub dub.. Peanut in a tub!
Enjoy! More to come later! FLIP!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Just a little drink...
Here's some pictures of Landyn, Tammy, and Hailey that I took today and earlier this week.
Clicky here - pictures of the family at play!
Since last week Landyn is fully MOBILE! He's been crawling all over the house and having some great fun. Unfortunately, with the mobility comes the bumps and bruises. He has a few bruises on his arm and head, but the worse one of all is from yesterday. He was crawling into our room trying to find Mommy, he stopped by our bed and I assume (since I was cooking some soup) he tried to pull himself up on the side of it. Next thing we know he's screaming bloody murder! Apparently he must have slipped when pulling up and smacked his mouth on the side of the bed or railing. We didn't know how bad it was till we saw some blood around his lips. Talk about scaring us to death... we checked out his mouth and he must have hit his gum because he has a place on the top gum just behind his lip. My poor, poor baby :( Thankfully he seems to be no worse for wear... only bad thing is I know this is only the beginning... sigh.
On another note, my tardiness with updating my site is mainly due to my main laptop (which is my main computer for pretty much everything) is down and out. To make a long story short, a piece of the power cord has broken off inside of the power 'port'... plus the 'port' is broken (wiggles around). The computer is fine, I just have no way of charging or powering it.. yet. I'm going to invest in a battery charger and possibly another battery, since my warranty is out as of last October... and I'm sure service on it would be outrageous, I'm just gonna do a little workaround. Just means that the computer will not be tethered and will always be portable :) For now I'm doing just fine with my EEE Pc, but with the limited space and power of this laptop.. it's hard to do any real photo editing and video too. I've got some clips I'll upload as soon as I get my Dell back up and running. I guess I've ranted long enough, FLIP!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Landyn is crawling really good forwards! Will post more tomorrow when I have a chance to video the booger :) FLIP!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Sleepy cat...
Still playing with the tone mapped hdr's :) It's neat all the different styles you can get out of one image. Just adjust a few sliders and away you go!
Clicky here - a few pictures of Jr. sleeping on the bed and "Peanut" playing with a Pepsi bottle
Can't wait to try this out on some scenery!
edit: for some reason while blogging my pictures the links are breaking when they are uploaded, sorry for the inconvenience.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Just a little more...
I thought to myself after doing the last HDR tone mapped image... hmmm... I wonder if I have anything in my collection that would pop or benefit from some adjusting.
Then I remebered this fountain in Charleston, SC. Oh yeah, I think it makes a statement.
You can see my source files HERE. As before, I just did some adjustments in PS to make 3 seperate images. Now I need to do this for real... set my camera up and let'r rip!
I'm asleep, honest!?
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Wow, lot's of updates today!
I've recently joined a flickr group based on a podcast that I've been listening to lately, TWIP (This Week In Photography). In this group there has been a discussion about HDR photos, which stands for High Dynamic Range. Basically what you do is take 3+ pictures preferrably on a tripod, with these pictures you adjust the exposure +-2 for each shot. So if you take 3 pictures then your first one will be -2 ev, 2nd is 0 ev, and last one is +2 ev. The more pictures you take the more you would adjust your exposure either way, up or down. Then you take said pictures and load'em up in a program that can handle HDR. Photoshop, Photomatix Pro, or another one called Bracketeer. I used Photomatix Pro to create the picture to the left (above). What it does is combines the pictures... stitches if need be and then gives you options to do Tone Map adjustments. With Tone Mapping you can do subtle things to the image or you can take it to the extreme. With my image, I probably am 50/50. As you can see HERE I took my original picture and ran it through photoshop to adjust the exposure twice and created 2 more pics that are the same but have adjustments to them. Then you let Photomatix do the work, voila! Pretty spiffy. Now you will get a better picture if you use different pictures actually shot from your camera. I just wanted to test it out so I used one picture and made multiples of it.
Neat, neat stuff! Flip!
ps. putting my links in to products and it seems that Bracketeer is Mac OSX only, fyi.
For the Nerds...
It's sad when living legends die, Gary Gygax co-founded probably the world's best known role playing game known as D&D (Dungeons and Dragons). Basically he is recognized as the father of role playing games. Just hit the wiki link above to immerse yourself in more knowledge. FLIP!