Just a couple of pictures I thought I'd add to the collection. I took these earlier today. Some of "Peanut" playing with his toys and then I dug out his highchair and assembled it today. He likes sitting in his big boy chair! It has a little play set that you can attach when they are waiting to be fed, which can come in handy :)
Links links links...
Clicky here - Picture of Landyn playing and of him in his highchair!
Have a wonderful day! FLIP!!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Mozart in training!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas: part deux!
So another Christmas has come and gone...
I think this year was amazing, it was so much fun watching "Peanut" open up his presents and playing with all the wonderful gifts that he received from Santa.. and everyone else as well!
Hailey had a great time and received lots of games and drawing/coloring items.
Boy oh boy! do I have a bunch of pictures to share from today. I think I took over 200 pictures in all! So let's get to it eh?
Clicky here - Christmas Pictures!
That's all for now... Merry Christmas to all! FLIP!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
I'm the present?!
All wrapped up with bows on top! Ready to be opened, but not until December 25th...
Today we had Christmas at Robert and Robin's house, and boy did I take a lot of pictures! Which is always good because I get to share them with everyone.
Plus, an added bonus! We had Christmas with Robert's side of the family later this evening. I have pictures galore! So on to the pics!
Clicky here - Christmas at Robin's, Christmas at/with Grandma Etta!
I know I have at least one more set of pictures to upload and then not to mention what I'll be taking this Christmas Day! I'll get to the next set probably tomorrow, it's getting late and I've got to work early, so time for beauty sleep. Flip!
Merry Christmas!
Here's everyone's favorite cutie opening some of his presents with Auntie Jill!
This Saturday we had Christmas with my Mom's side of the family. My Uncle Donnie is gracious enough to let us celebrate the holiday at his home. :) Wow, there was some awesome food and we got to catch up with family that we don't see all the time. And of course, when the opportunity arises, I whip out my trusty camera and snap off all kinds of pics! Let's get to it shall we?
Clicky here - Picture at Donnie's, with all the usual suspects!
I have lots more picture to post, we've been visiting all of the place the past couple of days!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Tammy's been busy!!
She's ever the busy little bee :) She's wrapped all the presents tonight and put them under the tree. I've 2 quick pictures of our new and improved Christmas tree with presents.
Clicky here - Christmas tree w/ presents!
That be the shortness of this post. Flip!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Eww... What the?!
I love the little faces that are made when Landyn tries out new flavors of fruit and vegetables! In the picture he had his first bite of apple with blueberries. As you could have figured, I took pictures of the event.
Clicky here - Landyn eating and pictures of Tammy's little village.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention... Landyn went for his 6 month check-up this past Friday. All is well with the baby, He is right at 20lbs. and about 29 inches long! Unfortunately, he had to have shots and they took some blood :( My poor baby! Catch ya on the flip!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Hey... Look what I can do!
Today I was playing with Landyn in the floor and he decided to show me how to flip over!
Clicky here - Landyn doing his thing, and Snickers licking her stuff!
Snickers was in the floor letting "Peanut" rub her and then she decided to move in front of him. He wasn't having any of that! He rolled right over and posed for a few good shots! Enjoy the pictures, FLIP!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Oh Peanut's tree.. oh Peanut's tree..
Look what Santa Claus dropped off at our house!
A beautiful baby boy! Just needs a bow on his head and this picture would be perfect.
Wow! I've lots and lots of links to pictures that I've just uploaded to the "interwebtubes". So let's get down to it...
Clicky link- Pictures of Landyn and me
Clicky link- couple more pictures of us, me feeding him :)
Clicky link- pictures of everyones favorite baby sporting a new outfit!
Clicky link- How the baby likes to sleep :)
Clicky link- decorated tree and "Peanut" under it :)
Enjoy everyone! I'll see yas laters, flip!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
This Just In!!!
Landyn has officially flipped over all on his own! I had set him in the floor on his back tonight while Tammy was getting his food ready. I went outside to feed the dog and when I came back in Tammy told me to look at what he had done. When I peeked in the living room, he was over on his belly! I flipped him back over on his back and told him to flip over again for me... and within a few seconds he was over on his belly again, and doing it like he's been doing it forever, heh. I've pictures to post and if I don't get to them tonight I'll post them tomorrow! FLIP!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Oh Christmas Tree...
Yay! We've got our Christmas tree up finally :) I hate to say it but Tammy and I really didn't feel much like putting it up this year... that's awful! Much thanks to Robert and Hailey, they had the fun of putting the tree up and stringing the lights! We still need to hang the ornaments, but I've taken some "nekkid" pictures of the tree for now.
Clicky here - Pictures of our Christmas tree
I've a video of Landyn I'll post up in a little bit... I need to edit it down some and upload it to YouTube.
I'll post more pictures of our tree after we've decorated it. FLIP!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Reading is Fun!!!
Today Mom dropped by for a little while to see her darling little angel grandson :) Landyn! She had some small presents for the baby too. BOOKS! Oh boy, did he love it when she was reading to him. He was "reading" along and just thoroughly enjoying himself. I stepped back for a sec to snap some great pictures of them and here they are :)
Clicky link here! - Pictures of Grammy and Landyn reading together
Off for now... catch ya on the FLIP!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Christmas Pictures!!
Today we had our Christmas pictures made, we took about 15 different poses. We had to weed them down to about 5 to get the price reasonable, it can get kind of expensive if your not careful.
Pictures - 61 different shots that were taken of us in various poses.
All for now, stay tuned for more soon! FLIP!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
I... Am.... Iron... MAN!
Today I recorded another short movie clip of Landyn and this time I used it to make an edited video with soundtrack and effects! Above is the creation so hit the play button and enjoy, FLIP!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Ooo Ooo Eee Ooo, Video!
Here's a clip of Landyn in his jumper playing! This is a 4 part series, I'm uploading the rest now so as it becomes available I'll add to my blog. Enjoy FLIP!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Turkey Day!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Turkey Day!!!
Pictures- pictures at the Denny's
Pictures- Mom, Bryan and Jenn stopped by to visit!
I'm stuffed, so I'll catch ya on the FLIP!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Mmmmm.. YUM!
I snapped some pictures a few days ago of "Peanut" playing with a cup. Won't take much to show him how to do it properly that's for sure :)
This past Sunday we had a visit from Tammy's brother and family, plus her Mom and Dad. Of course, when the opportunity is there I grab the camera and start snapping off some shots. Got a few of Wayne and Melanie, plus little Miss Olivia. Then Hailey wanted in on the action so there are some shots of her and Mr Landyn! Plus there are shots of "Peanut" and Mawmaw sitting in the recliner while he figures out just what to do with his new cup "toy". Show let's get to it eh?
Pictures baby! Pictures!
Later today, Mom, Bryan and Jill are supposed to be by to visit. Plus, tomorrow is Thanksgiving day! So, Happy Thanksgiving and I'll catch ya on the FLIP!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Caught red-redhanded!
"Peanut" was taking his nap this morning and I heard him stirring after an hour or so. I fixed him a bottle and some rice cereal then walked in the bedroom to catch him red-handed! Hah! So to show the proof that he was playing and not sleeping... I took pictures of course.
I was pretty suprised to see that Puffball was in the bed with him, but I now know why he was playing and not getting fussy! hehe.
So on to the pictures yes?
Link 1- red-handed pictures!
Link 2- Hailey and Landyn playing
Till next time, FLIP!
I think I've found my Christmas present! :) This has to be the ultimate in ultra portable laptop design.
Monday, November 12, 2007
With the help of my bro, I've got a Google Calendar snippet setup on the left bar under my picture. Now I just need to link it to my Outlook calendar and then add some dates to it :) Thanks for the help bro! FLIP!
Hi! My name is Landyn!
Yippee! Today I get to spend the day with Hailey and Landyn. I had to do some day off switching at work, but it worked out for the best because Hailey is out of school (Veteran's Day).
Peanut and I decided to take some photos while Miss Hailey was having her lunch. In 75% of these pictures I used no flash just the natural lighting from the lamp and sun through the windows. I like the way that the photos are "warm" giving everything thing a golden glow. Only downside to taking pictures this way is that there is a chance of blur when there isn't enough light. I culled through a lot of these and posted the best of the bunch, there may still be a few that look blurry but it should only be his hands from movement. His face should be in pretty good focus.
Enough talking already.... SHOW US THE GOODS!
I think I took around 300-ish pictures in this series, I used the "motor wind" function of my camera which is essentially holding the shutter button and letting them rip at 2.5 fps (frames per second). Then I went through the lot on my camera and deleted any that were excessively blurry, and pumped them into the computer to comb through on the bigger screen. I believe I ditched a few more from there ending up with about 98 pics to share! Enjoy the pics, "Peanut" says nap time, FLIP!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Here I am doing some serious multitasking, I've got kitty, baby, remote and everything is running at 100%!
Wow I just realized that it's been a week since I last posted (plus someone reminded me of this but we won't name names MOM) hehe. I've got some pictures, I thought I didn't have many to upload but I was wrong. It's not an enormous amount but it's a few :)
So let's get straight to it then yes?
Clicky here- some pictures of Landyn and me, plus some of him and Jr.
Clicky here- pictures of Landyn playing on his play mat, plus a bonus pic of Puffball :)
Clicky here- here's some great shots of Landyn and Hailey that Tammy took
Clicky here- Puffball and Garfield just being themselves
Clicky here- Crazy Jr trying to hide, couple shots of Tammy and Landyn
Clicky here- These are all pictures that I took today, a lot of Landyn, some of Tammy and Landyn and then I went outside and snapped off a bunch of shots of the sun and trees from our backyard, I only saved one though, let me know what ya think :)
Well, well... I think that's all I have to share today. No, bowling ah almost forgot, we did pretty decent tonight, won 2 1/2 games. We tied the 3rd game so that is why there is a half. Too bad we couldn't win all 4, we were bowling against first place team and that would have tied us with them for 1st. All for this episode, FLIP!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Look at him go! heh We had a surprise visit from Mom and Dad today.
Pictures from today- Mom, Dad, and Landyn!
Just a quickie update to add these pictures! FLIP!
Happy Halloween!
I'm a little belated, but we were tired from all the running yesterday so I didn't get a chance to upload these pictures till now :) We visited my Mom's first, then over to Jill's house, and finally we ended up at Tammy's Mom and Dad's! Hailey had a pretty good time and got a bit of candy to boot! Landyn was just happy to visit with everyone and he got to meet Miss Bella.... I'm pretty sure that yesterday was the first time he's met my sister's dog Bella?
So on to the good stuff...
Pictures from the 30th - Landyn in his cute little Halloween set with matching ghost beanie, pictures of him in his jumper and some of our cats.
Pictures from Halloween- our trips to King to visit our family. Pictures of Rambo and Bella
Landyn also was treated to a visit at Tammy's work. We dressed him up in his little spider outfit and showed him off to all the ladies that she works with. He had a blast and did a little flirting too I believe. All for now, I'll catch ya on the FLIP!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Happy Birthday Ma!
Happy birthday Ma... that makes you what? 29 years old today? :)
Here's some Birthday pictures for you to click on!
1st set of pictures
2nd set of pictures
Enjoy and love ya bunches!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Giggle, giggle...
Just a quick little, quick quick update...
New pictures that were taken on Friday!
Lot's of pictures of Landyn and some in his Halloween costume :)
Enjoy, FLIP!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Oh Hai! I let u out now?
When "Peanut" was asleep yesterday I took some pictures around the house and out the door. Just so happened that Chocolate was wanting to come in or maybe let me out, hehe. I took a lot of pictures of cars going by the house and adjusted the shutter speed to get various effects. Speed it up and they look like they are stopped in motion, slow it down and they blur as if they are moving fast. Fun, fun stuff :)
Links to click...
here for pictures from yesterday.
Here for pictures from today.
Tonight is bowling night! Sadly though, I'm not going to be able to attend. I've pulled something in my back, either slept wrong or twisted a muscle. I've had back issues since high school, most of the time I get along just fine, and then all of a sudden... BOOM! Ah well... such is life I guess :) Cyas on the FLIP!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
What the?!?!
Tammy took this picture of Landyn the other day, hah. What can ya say?
Updated links...
Here for more of the diaper tales...
here for visit with Dakota...
last but never least... me and "peanut"
More to come later.. FLIP!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Coffee anyone?!?
I thought this was a great picture of Hailey trying to hold her eyes open while I was snapping some pictures of her and Landyn. Which can be found at the previous link. Some of the pictures might be a little different than usual but I'm trying to learn all the various settings on my new camera and it's a little bit of a learning curve. Friend at work suggested a great site called Bernie's Beginner Guide, for geeks no less :) Lots of good information there and I've learned quite a bit about the technical parts of photography. Well off to check more sites, FLIP!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Mmmm.. mighty tastee!
Just a quick blurb cause I have pictures to share :)
Clicky here
and here for the latest and greatest!
I'm loving the new camera, as you can see by all the new pictures that I've uploaded lately. As always I'll post more, FLIP!
Monday, October 15, 2007
new toy!
Today I probably got one of the best deals ever! I purchased a new digital camera, it's a SLR (single lens reflex), which essentially means you can change the lenses on it and the pictures it takes are phenomenal. The camera is a Nikon D-40, you can click the link for lots of info. I've been reviewing camera's for the past couple of weeks, playing with the ones that we carry at work... and came to the conclusion that the D-40 was the best fit for me. Price, functunality, quality and features are hands down the best in it's class. To give a brief little bit of info on it, it's a 6MP camera (same as the Fuji F-20 point and shoot we have), comes with a 18-55mm lens which is the equivilant of a 3x optical zoom. Has a 2.5in LCD screen and lots of customizable features, to name a few iso setting up to 3200, 1/4000 shutter speed and the kicker for me 2.5 fps burst mode that is infinite. Basically you set the mode and when you hit the shutter button it will take pictures until you fill your card or batteries die! Oh I almost forgot to mention, on the interwebs this camera sells for around $500 more or less. Just so happens that I picked it up for only $350 (slightly used display) but otherwise brand spanking new.
Here are my first set of pictures that I've taken with the new camera!
If you're curious about the last few pictures of Landyn, I was getting him ready for a bath and he started making this weird face and kind of stretching his arms out, hehe. He looks like he is scared but was making the face and then relaxing his body and grinning and laughing. Funny, funny stuff!
All for now FLIP!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Mandaria - Be Afraid
Thanks for the link and heads up bro, I'll have to give Scribefire a go. Looks really nice and sets up in the browser window too. Will for sure make it easier to blog about websites and stuff! Flip!
Powered by ScribeFire.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Hey?! Who turned out the lights?
This is how Landyn sometimes ends up sleeping. He's so funny and cute, he'll kick his little legs up and pulls the covers up to his head. He loves this new blanket, it has a fuzzy soft brown side that he likes to rub. He thinks it's one of the cats :) He's really started to get into his environment. When you lay him in his crib he'll rub the mesh netting on the side, earlier when I was feeding him he was rubbing the arm of the chair we were sitting in (it's suede). I'm sure the world is turning out to be a pretty amazing place to him with millions of things to discover!
3 new sets of pictures updated-
Click here for the first ones.
Here for the 2nd.
And here for the 3rd and final set.
He had his first taste of carrots today, he seems to really like them. Hope he doesn't end up picky like me, heh.
Bundled up picture from this morning...All for now, FLIP!