Thursday, November 15, 2007

Caught red-redhanded!

"Peanut" was taking his nap this morning and I heard him stirring after an hour or so. I fixed him a bottle and some rice cereal then walked in the bedroom to catch him red-handed! Hah! So to show the proof that he was playing and not sleeping... I took pictures of course.

I was pretty suprised to see that Puffball was in the bed with him, but I now know why he was playing and not getting fussy! hehe.

So on to the pictures yes?

Link 1- red-handed pictures!

Link 2- Hailey and Landyn playing

Till next time, FLIP!

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Unknown said...

I cannot believe that cat. It's sure not like ours. I'm glad he's used to babies and kids (ie. Landyn and Hailey). Does he ever get mad at them?

Scott said...

yep she loves the kids. No she's a very good natured cat. That's the one that hopped up in Dad's lap when ya'll where here the other day :)