The latest News from those wild and crazy guys/gal!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Little man's new haircut!
A couple of days ago we decided to have Landyn's hair cut! It's his first cut that took away all his little curls :( But he still looks so adorable! :)
Clicky here - pictures of Landyn getting his hair cut!
Clicky here - pictures of Landyn "cheesing" for Dada... say CHEESE!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Visit with Hailey!
Yesterday Tammy, Robert and I made a trip up to Virginia to see Hailey.
We took a few photos and spent some quality time with her. She wanted to swing on the swings and then go inside to watch her now favorite movie "Cars". She loves the group Rascal Flatts and their remake "Life is a Highway" for the movie :)
Clicky here - pictures of us with Hailey!
Olivia's 3rd Birthday Party!
Last Sunday we took a trip to see our niece Olivia and help her celebrate her birthday!
They rented one of the BIG water slides and Landyn had a blast! He took a couple trips down the slide with his Pawpaw and then he was off on his own! He laughed, giggled and had the best time!
Clicky here - Pictures from Olivia's Birthday!
Just to let everyone that follows me here on the blog know... I post a handful of my pictures on Facebook, but I always post the full monty on the blog and my photo site Picasaweb.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Collective Soul...
Probably... hands down my favorite music group of all time! They are on the twitters and post all kinds of good info! You can check out the latest that the band is into at their website. On top of all that they are launching a new tour and you can get all the latest info here! You can get into the contest that they are promoting by visiting here! They have a new album on the way later this summer, called "Rabbit" and have a new hit single called "Staring Down", can't wait to order that as soon as it hits! :)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Bubble Machine!
This is a short little clip of Landyn playing with his bubble machine, he sure does love the bubbles! :)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Graduation Pictures!!!
Just a short little note... my bro has graduated from UNC Chapel Hill with a BS in Computer Science and a minor in History!
Clicky here - pictures from UNC graduation!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Duke... don't go Duke...?!?!
There is some news around the inter-tubes that a star in the FPS gaming is being shut down... I remember the days of me and my bro playing this game till our hands hurt! This game was the reason I set up a 10base T network at home... with "backbone" cable and terminators... ahhh the good 'ol days. I was really hoping that Duke Nukem Forever would finally grace us with it's presence... maybe it still will!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Oh hai! We don't want any though!!!
I must be in a picture taking mood this week :) Here's another set of photos I snapped off this afternoon of Landyn, the cats and some of Tammy too :)
Clicky here - Pics of Landyn, our cats and Tammy too!
Checking out my book :)
Here are a few pictures that I took yesterday of Landyn looking at his 1st year picture book that I made. He absolutely loves this book! He likes to point out and say the names of everyone it it :) Momma, Dada, Grammy, Pawpaw and Hailey!
Clicky here - Pictures from yesterday!
Bonus! There are some pics of the family outside, hanging out!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Landyn loves the outside!
Today I was outside playing with Landyn while Tammy was planting some flowers that she had bought earlier. Landyn loves to play outside, he was chasing the cats, playing in the dirt and getting into everything he could! Here's a set of pictures I took earlier today!
Clicky here - Landyn, Tammy and I outside playing and planting flowers
Bonus!! I took pictures of Landyn a couple of days ago playing in his Sissy's room!
Clicky here - Landyn playing in Hailey's room
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Visit with Hailey...
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From 2009-04-22 |
We visited Hailey today in Virginia, man it's a long ride. Close to 4 1/2 hours! I took some pictures while we were there and have a link to them below.
Clicky here - pictures from our visit with Hailey!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!
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From 2009-04-12 |
Happy Easter everyone! I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday and was able to spend some quality time with their family and loved ones!
Clicky here - Easter pictures!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Surely you don't want to go inside Puffball...
This afternoon/evening were outside enjoying the lovely weather, Landyn was playing, running and into everything! He had a blast! I grabbed my camera and followed him around a little bit to take some pictures of him doing his thing :)
Clicky here - Pictures of Landyn playing outside!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Landyn's Walkabout...
Just look at that smile :)
Nothing in the world like it!
Today Landyn and I went outside to enjoy the wonderful weather that we're having. Lots of sun! Unfortunately bright sunlight makes for some difficult photos... have to work some flash and post editing magic! :)
Clicky here - Landyn's Walkabout
Friday, March 27, 2009
These pictures were uploaded using a service called Pixelpipe. The idea behind it is that you setup all your different websites through them and then upload once to them and they redistribute your info (pics, vids, blogs, etc.) to the appropriate sites. Very nifty, you have to tweak it a little otherwise you'll spam certain services like Twitter or Blogger (like I did below) other than that though, it's a great service!






Posted via Pixelpipe.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Garland McHone
Repost from Bryan's site...
Please keep your thoughts with your family as my uncle Garland passed away last Friday:
Garland Warren “Sid” McHone
McHONE KING - Garland Warren “Sid” McHone, 62, died Friday, March 13, 2009. He was born January 7, 1947 in Surry County to Warren Harding and Mary Virginia Pack McHone. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn Martin McHone; three sisters, Glenda (Grady) Barber, Mary (Don) DeHart, and Donita (Tommy) Denny; and two brothers, Gary (Carol) McHone, and Donnie (Marilyn) McHone. Graveside Services will be held at 2 p.m., Monday, March 16, at Mount Pleasant United Methodist Church Cemetery with the Rev. Paul Norman officiating. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. on Sunday at Slate Funeral Home in King. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Mount Pleasant United Methodist Church, Cemetery Fund, c/o Coy Conrad, 5031 Spainhour Mill Rd., Tobaccoville, NC 27050. (Source: WSJ)
Monday, March 9, 2009
What's happening outside Landyn?
This is a shot of Landyn standing at the front door looking outside. That's the moon to the right of his head :) I did a little bit of editing to make the sky and moon "pop" some. I also lightened up the bottom of the pic so that you could make out more of Landyn standing at the door. Lightroom 2 has a very neat feature that gives you the effect of a graduated filter. Basically you can make the picture progressively darker or lighter as you go from top to bottom or vice a versa. You could also make the effect go from side to side... lots of ways to customize it.
Clicky here - pictures of Landyn playing around the house this evening!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Where am I?!
Tonight, I was filling out some info for my wonderful lithotripsy procedure that I'm having tomorrow. I hear a "MEOW" and a bump... Landyn was playing on the couch with Puffball and I look over and don't see either one of them! I asked Tammy if she could see Landyn from her perch in the bathtub, she tells me no... So I think now where in the world did he go so fast... then I hear some rustling behind our couch! I peek over the only part of our corner sectional that you can get behind and see the picture above! I thought I was gonna roll! I guess Landyn really, really wanted to get his kitty kitty! :) The boy is a mess, not to mention part monkey! He's climbing all over everything now.
Clicky here - pictures of Landyn and his "new" spot!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Shotgun Snow Day!
Here's a collection of pictures that I took this afternoon on our way home! If your curious about this posts title... I was riding shotgun :)
Clicky here - pictures of our snow day on the way home.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Look what I found!
Earlier this morning I was wanting to record a few video clips of Landyn playing on the table and with Puffball (our cat). So I grabbed our pocket camera (Fuji Finepix F20), and set it to record some video. Much to my surprise when I was review the clips that I had shot, I found this picture that was taken by my Mom on Christmas Eve. Oops! Sorry about that Mom :) I'd forgotten that you had taken this, I definitely remember after seeing it and also remembered you telling me that you had snapped it! :)
Anywho... I've got a few short clips to edit as well and post them up today too!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Uh oh... I've been caught!
This is Landyn's new spot... he takes all of the picture frames off and sets them in the floor nice and neat. Then he proceeds to climb up on the table and play with the blinds... the boy is too funny. All those toys in his room and all he wants to do is flip the blinds back and forth :) He's a mess!
Clicky here - pictures of Landyn playing in the living room.
Landyn and the cat toy...
I'm really digging my new lens! Hands down it was a great purchase.
Learning how to operate the thing always leads me to take tons of pictures :) That's always a good side effect! The link below leads to pictures that I took on Saturday. These are of Landyn playing with the cat and the cat's toy :) The boy is a mess for sure (my usual response for Landyn!)
Clicky here- Landyn and the cat toy!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
New Sigma 30mm f/1.4 lens!
Today I received my new Sigma lens that I won on eBay! Got a pretty good deal on it, slightly used but about $150 off the retail price!
Of course the first thing I've gotta do is make sure it's in 100% working condition and shoot off a bunch of pictures :)
Clicky here - pictures around the house with new Sigma lens
Just hanging out!
He's such a ham! and a stinker!
Clicky here - pictures of Landyn playing on the couch
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Visiting Miss Audrina!
Today Tammy, Landyn and I visited Jill and 'lil Audrina! Unfortunately Audrina slept the entire time, heh, but we still got to visit with Mom and baby! I took a bunch of pictures of Landyn, Tammy and Jill... oh and 'Bella!
Clicky here - pictures from Audrina's house!