Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Photoshop for teh win!11!!

I just absolutely love this picture of Landyn! I loaded it up in photoshop and did a little touching up.. well really just some editing, can't mess with perfection eh? hehe!

So to give a short little photoshop tutorial, I made the picture b/w in a layer, then I created a mask on that layer and painted back in his beautiful eyes and his fun little sleeper! I jacked up the hue/saturation to really bring out the colors (did that in another layers as well). Next (or maybe it was last?) I adjusted the levels of the overall picture to make sure that everything was exposure correct :)

I guess the only downside to doing stuff like this is... it can be a really, really big time sink! I really want to learn how to do editing in photoshop and have found a few good tutorials on the interwebtubes. and 70 Horror PS tuts are a pretty good place to start. Well all for now, FLIP!

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1 comment:

Bryan said...

Photoshop is *so* time consuming.

I spent like 2 hours messing with a picture last night and ended up scrapping (or setting it aside for later) because I really didn't get anywhere. :)