Video 3 of 3, enjoy! Flip!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Pictures from around the house...
We had company galore today. First off, Grammy and Pappy Denny came by the house and visited with me and Landyn. He had a blast!
Also, later this afternoon Robert and Robin came by to help move our dog back from the house and of course visit with Landyn and Hailey. We moved Megan back away from our house because she was being kinda loud at night with howling and barking at everything that moves, particularly the train that is right across the street from us. Anywho, here let's get to those pictures right?!
Clicky here - Pictures of Landyn around the house!
One more video clip to go, I'll post it asap. FLIP!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Pictures from the park
Yeah, swinging!
Here are some pictures of us at the park, Landyn and Hailey swinging, with Tammy pushing :) Click the link below to see all the pictures that I shot.
Clicky here - Pictures from the park!
That's all for now, enjoy! Flip!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Landyn playing and laughing!
Play on baby, play on! I have another clip that's being rendered and uploading as I type this. Will definitely have it up by this evening. Enjoy! Flip!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Let me outta here!
Couple of quick photo updates...
Clicky here - Landyn and Hailey playing, plus me getting a haircut.
Clicky here - Landyn all covered up!
Also have another video clip to share.. fighting with YouTube at the moment, so it might be up by tomorrow. Enjoy! Flip!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
What a past couple of days...
It seems this nasty little virus has just about gone through our entire family! I was next in line to be dealt with I guess. It hit me late Monday night, was strange how fast it was. I pretty much laid in bed yesterday morning and afternoon trying to rest up and kick this things butt. Let me say that if you ever run across this nasty little bug, make sure you keep yourself very well hydrated. I'm doing much better this morning and Landyn seems to be back to 100% baby! Now I just hope, really really hope that Hailey doesn't come down with it. It's rough for sure.
My brother sent me some links late last night about all the April Fool's stuff happening around the net. Here's a LINK to a rundown of all the jokes and whatnot that have been played out! I was running through my google reader links and saw several more. I do believe the interwebitubes loves April Fool's! All for now. FLIP!